Keep People Healthy & Happy Away From Diseases

For any comments, inquiry or if you want to know more about us, please contact us through the following channels:

Head Office

Jalpharma Corp.
50th Street
Next to Toyota Auto Exhibition
Sana'a, Republic of Yemen

Tel: +967 1 683 047
Fax: +967 1 683 048
Email : [email protected]

Contact Emails

  1. CEO: Dr. Alsaeedi
    [email protected]
  2. Business Development: Fathi Naji
    [email protected]
  3. International Relation Department: Ziad Ahmed
    [email protected]
  4. Scientific Management: Dr. Aref Aliriany
    [email protected]
  5. Information: [email protected]
  6. The Manager of Branches: [email protected]
  7. Pharmacovigilance Department: [email protected]
    - Dr. Aref Aliriany D-DSO: +967777763998 (24hrs / 7 days a week)
    - Dr. Abdulaziz (QA- Manager): +967770702209 (24hrs / 7 days a week)
    - Dr. Bushra Al-Okam - (Medical Advisor): +967777044414
  8. Marketing: [email protected]
  9. Sales: [email protected]

To report any information relating to drug safety, please contact us on the following channels:

Pharmacovigilance Department

  1. Dr. Aref Aliriany – DSO
    [email protected]


  • Tel: +9671683047 - (24hrs / 7 days a week )
  • Mobile: +96777763998 - (24hrs / 7 days a week)
  • Fax: +9671683048 - (24hrs / 7 days a week )

To report about product complaints:

1) Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Harbi
QA- Manager

  • Tel: +9671683047 - (24hrs / 7 days a week)
  • Fax: +9671683048 - (24hrs / 7 days a week)
  • Mobile: +967777710967 - (24hrs / 7 days a week)
  • +967770702209

2) Dr. Bushra Al-Okam
(Medical Advisor)

  • +967777044414

Our Location

Our Location